Carol Winowiecki

East Jordan

After losing her job at Tower Automotive, Carol Winowiecki went to the East  Jordan Adult Education Learning Lab where she put in hours of hard work to   improve her math skills. She went on to enroll in the Culinary Arts program at Northwestern Michigan College and received a Persistent Student Scholarship.  She also received the Northwest Michigan Council of Government's 2011 Adult Education Award.

The Northwest Michigan Adult Learning Partnership was formed to assist adult learners with the often difficult task of transitioning from Adult Education to post-secondary education.

Adults in Northwest Michigan can participate in several initiatives that introduce them to programs and resources at local colleges. Those initiatives include Campus Visits, Financial Aid Workshops, Study Skills Classes, Mentoring relationships, and Career Education and Training Fairs.


The Partnership consists of the following partners:

  • TBA ISD Adult Education/Northwest Michigan Works!
  • Northwest Michigan Works!
  • Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District
  • North Central Michigan College
  • Northwestern Michigan College
  • Baker College of Cadillac
  • Kirtland Community College - M-TEC at Gaylord
  • West Shore Community College
  • Grand Traverse Literacy Council
  • Michigan Rehabilitation Services-Northern Division