Fred Ray

Traverse City

Fred Ray quit school in the 9th grade, so when he lost the manufacturing job he had for 26 years he didn't have any education to fall back on. He went to the Traverse City Adult Education Learning Lab to work on his GED. "This class has really done wonders for me, I really learned a lot," said Ray. He's looking at different education options including a certificate program in landscaping.

Adult Education Learning Labs


Northwest Michigan Works! Learning Labs provide individualized instruction to adult learners. You can start at any time of the year and there is no cost to register. Instruction is individualized and learning plans are developed with a certified instructor.  This individualized educational plan will focus on the steps necessary to reach your career goal.

Instructional services include English as a Second Language; Reading, Writing, and Math remediation; GED prep; Workplace Computer Skills, and Postsecondary Preparation.

Click here to visit the Learning Lab website and obtain contact information for the lab nearest you.