Angela Stonebrink
Traverse City
Angela Stonebrink is a single mom, raising two kids on a minimum wage job. "It's extremely hard to support two kids by yourself." Angela is working towards her GED and hopes to pursue a degree in Nursing. "I want to chase my dreams."
Career Planning
Career Planning Workshops are available in all Northwest Michigan Works! Service Centers. Click here for a list of service centers
Career Planning Workshops guide you through the process of determining the best career fit for you. You will use web-based tools to gauge your interests and work values, and create a list of possible career choices. You will be provided with tools to research those career choices, learn which are 'in demand' in our region and decide which options are best. There are several on-line resources that can help you develop and research a career plan:
Make a Career Choice:
Research Your Career Choice:
Find Jobs with Your Current Skills: