Carol Winowiecki

East Jordan

After losing her job at Tower Automotive, Carol Winowiecki went to the East  Jordan Adult Education Learning Lab where she put in hours of hard work to   improve her math skills. She went on to enroll in the Culinary Arts program at Northwestern Michigan College and received a Persistent Student Scholarship.  She also received the Northwest Michigan Council of Government's 2011 Adult Education Award.

Adult Education Transformation

In 2009 Michigan's Council for Labor and Economic Growth (CLEG), the statewide workforce development board, commissioned a study to determine a forward-moving plan for Adult Education. A workgroup was formed to do the research and determine promising practices. Several focus groups were conducted to learn the effectiveness of Adult Education throughout the state.

The workgroup produced a report, which was presented to CLEG in early 2011. The report indicated that in order to assist Michigan workers in advancing their skills to compete in the global new economy, educational providers must collaborate. Working together, Adult Education providers, colleges, and Michigan Works! can help adult learners to transform their skills and their lives.

Click here to view the CLEG report.

In response to the CLEG report, adult educators were convened to begin the process to put the CLEG report recommendations into action. The adult education proposals can be viewed in the following report.

Click here to view the report:  Michigan’s Adult Education System: A Framework for Transormation


The chart below shows the relationship between educational attainment, average annual earnings and unemployment rate.

Unemployment and Earnings for Workers 25 and Older by Educational Attainment